Day 17/31 January

Helllllloooooo there,

How was the first few week of 2018? sticking to your New Years Resolutions? Completing Dry January? or simply messing up and writing the completely wrong date on everything! …yeah same! Wonder how far into 2018 I will get while still writing 2017?!

Its been a busy few weeks getting back in to my work routine, those early morning alarms are wiping me out! I haven’t quite had time to pop my bum down and write a post! My weekends alone have been packed with house warming celebrations and one of my best friends engagement partyyy!


A few years back I was told that I’ll get to about 22+ and be attending weddings, baby showers, house warmings and other ‘adulty’ celebrations! I don’t know what is getting me more excited…

A) joy for friends and loved ones!


B) a fabulous excuse for a new outfit and heels!!

Anyhow, going a bit off subject there! After a busy few weeks, I’ve finally found the time to pop my bum down and write a post. My jimjams (pyjamas) are on, along with fully bed socks! I’m tucked under my duvet and fluffy throw, laptop on and mind somewhat alert (I’ve been at work all day… ready for bed!). My bedroom light is off, so I just get the soft twinkle of my fairy lights and unicorn shaped ambient light! This set up I’ve got going on here just gives the best sort of vibes!

Anyone else rock the low key lighting vibes while chilling? If not whats your go to comfort setting? would Lovvvveee to know!

A N Y H O W…


Today I’m blogging about Pink! No, not the artist! Although, I do love her! …what a gal! I’m talking the C O L O U R  pink!

When I was younger I was a bit of a TomBoy, so pink was not something I particularly liked or found myself drawn towards! N O W, however is a completely different story! Since deciding that I wear to much black, I have found myself opening up to new possible colours to fill out my wardrobe! P I NK, seems to be my go to colour!


Basically, like I’ve said above, I wear to much black! Boringgggg!!! As I live in black skinny jeans, I’ve decided they can stay. However, everything else is getting a major mix-up! I’m talking…

  • PINK (I’ve said it already… but its still shocking me how much i’m into it!!)
  • MELLOW YELLOW (… strictly not sunshine yellow! Big no no!)



In particular, I have been loooooving the Vans Old Skool Trainers in P I N K! I’ve been wanting these beauty’s since approx September last year! Just never got round to purchasing them, some other purchase or money spender just always got in the way! Lucky me though got them for Christmas (Thank you stu!!) and my feet have never looked prettier!


Even if I’m just in my casual black Skinny and grey hoodie, if I got my pink trainers on I feel fancy! Basically, imagine a 3 year old girly getting her first pink, sparkly, probably flashes when she walks, shoes! Well that’s basically me right now! Slightly upsetting that I can’t rock that flashing trainers.. or can I? NO! No, I really can’t!


This is a ‘Rose pink off the shoulder knitted jumper’ from my trusty go to online shop, Missguided! Not only am I trying to discard of black but I’m trying to mix-up my tops! Id like more knits, blouses, camis! Different shapes, patterns, fits! Lone behold I may even try out a peplum! For now however, I’m trying a off the shoulder knitted jumper! Guess what?


At first I was ‘umming’ and ‘errr-ing’! After trying it on with a few different thing, plus some confident boosting words from the mother! This garment has a new home in my wardrobe!




So hear me out! Due to my job being in the engineering industry, I have found a whole new appreciation for nails! Mine on the daily get chipped, marked and even dirty due to a really hands on job! I have to wear gloves and trust me they don’t always protect the claws!

Adding more colour to my appearance doesn’t just mean clothes and shoes, it means nail vanish, make-up, jewellery and other form of accessories! Think of it as, I would like my life to ooze with colour, character and fun!


I purchased myself a bottle of Moteln Metal from BarryM in the colour Blue Glacier! The colour is super pigmented and got all of the sparkles you ever wanted mixed in! I used the BarryM – PLUMPY Hi Shine Top Coat, as a finishing coat! Honestly, I don’t know why but I am a bit of a believer in using (or atleast trying) the same company’s products which are supposed to go together! Know like foundation and powder?

Blue Glacier, what a yummy sounding colour!


Talking about adding colour to my life… Polaroid’s! As a little creative hobby I’ve really wanted to get back into talking pictures! I’ve already got a little collection of cameras including a Canon 400D DSLR and a Nikon Coolpix S9600! But nothing quiet compares to my new INSTAX MINI 9!


There is something I just love about the raw images that a polaroid camera can create! There is no time for the ‘wait that wasn’t a good angle’ or ‘delete that one’, I mean you could always rip it up and take another but then I feel like you can miss the delight and hidden beauty in a unprepared for picture!

I’ve already bought my scrapbook and I am soooooooo ready to document my pictures throughout 2018!


Who new cameras could be so pretty!!!??




Jean Paul Gaultier – Scandal

I mean if I’m adding yummy colour in to my wardrobe, I might as well smell tasty while I’m at it??

I was sooooo upset to find out a year or so back that my favourite perfume ‘Naughty Alice’ by Vivienne Westwood was discontinued, I never thought I’d find another perfume to replace it! Wellll, I need not look no further! As this little beauty is….


I actually featured a little mention of this perfume a few blogs back! I originally came across it in a magazine but ofcourse since then anytime I’ve been in a shop such as Boots or Debenhams, I’ve has a cheeky wiff!


Now I own my own! & HOW ADORABLE IS THE BOX! Eeek, that will come in handy no doubt!

Remember people don’t ever forget to TREAT YO’SELF !



& on that bombshell, comes the end to this blog! I’ve loved sharing my latest bits and bobs with you guys! No doubt there will be more in the near future… I am a bit of a shop-a-holic after all!

Check out my social medias for other pictures and update!

Till next time,
Lots of love, your gal…



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